
Kenya is one of Africa's most popular safari destinations.

Kenya is one of Africa's most popular safari destinations. This is the land where the safari was born. The word itself is from the local Swahili, originally meaning simply "a journey". It was here that the first caravans snaked into the wilderness from the coast, bringing explorers, big game hunters and romantics from all over the world.


Tanzania also offers many more little known treasures.

Tanzania is known worldwide for its famous Northern "Safari Circuit". This is an excellent safari country, with the awe-inspiring natural wonder of the Ngorongoro Crater sheltering a world of wildlife, while the plains of the mighty Serengeti are one of the planet's largest and most complex ecosystems. But Tanzania also offers many more little known treasures. The south has some truly pristine and untouched wilderness areas, including Africa's single largest National Park- The Selous.


The Pearl of Africa ~ Winston Churchill

As Uganda progressively opens up to tourism, many new visitors are discovering one of Africa's most exciting new destinations. Uganda was once described by Winston Churchill as "The Pearl of Africa", and it remains a fitting description. This mountainous central African country is a land of contrasts. The savannah and game rich floodplains surrounding Murchison Falls are a world apart from the high alpine peaks of the Ruwenzoris or the dense forests of the south. These forests are home to many rare species, including one of Africa's last populations of Mountain gorillas.

Further Afield

We fly clients to many other great African destinations.

Our travel network stretches far beyond East and Central Africa. We can fly clients to many other great African destinations.South Africa itself is fast becoming one of the continent's most popular destinations, combining a unique blend of African and Western cultures with fantastic game reserves and beaches. To the North, Ethiopia an d Eritrea are fantastic destinations for the adventurous traveller. Explore these little known countries, whose exotic history stretches back to the old testament, and remains alive in ancient rock churches and crypts. The remote wilderness of the Omo Valley is one of Africa's least explored regions, while the high Simien Mountains are breathtaking trekking country. The Eritrean and Danakil deserts are home to a rich and fascinating trading culture that bridges Africa and Arabia, while the city of Asmara is a desert oasis of Italian colonial architecture and cuisine.